
Cardboard Citizens working in Peterborough

Di Goldsmith has been enormously pivotal in bringing Cardboard Citizens work and practise to Peterborough for the first time, and beginning what we intend to be a larger legacy of bringing forum theatre practise to the area. Di really understood the practise and potential of our work, and worked tirelessly to identify partners for us to deliver in the area, which matched our remit around vulnerable and at risk groups. Di also identified several key and potential stakeholders to invite to our work, with whom we hope to further work in Peterborough. Further to this, because of Di’s impressive work and understanding we invited her to support our work in this ongoing legacy as a regional Citz Champion, a new role we are exploring in a few regions across England .We look forward to continuing to work alongside her and UROCK’s new longer term partnership delivering with City College Young people within their curriculum delivery [John Mansfield Campus]
Michael Chandler Programme Director Cardboard Citizens
Tony McCbride Associate Director Cardboard Citizens
*For Blog about Cardboard Residency see Case Studies

Norfolk School Improvement

Norfolk Ambition Space 4 Dialogue a project with 6 Norfolk Schools
Congratulations….. on a very successful event at The Norwich Forum
I thought it was excellent – and such a great experience for all the children.
It was great to see how well they were working together across the six schools – Bev Hall commented on how much they have gained in confidence. Norman Lamb was impressed with the project.

Thank you so much to everyone who made this venture such a success! Watch out West Norfolk!
Denise Walker

Teachers in West Norfolk were asked to reflect upon Children’s learning: In what ways have your children progressed in this work?

✓ More confident interactions with new children
✓ Able to open their mind to new experiences, physical & creative
✓ Selected children had low esteem over these sessions children have offered their views
✓ Children have become more confident when interacting with children they didn’t know
✓ More willing to take the lead, share ideas.
✓ Understand the importance of body language, and not just the voice with which to communicate
✓ At the start children stood only with those they knew and not mix, but this changed as they became less inhibited.
✓ Positivity was a feature that developed over 3 workshops
✓ Understanding that they have “directed” rather than the teacher
✓ Demonstrating how very creative they are when given the invitation
✓ Youngest children have visibly grown in confidence, independence & engagement
✓ Initially children waiting for older children to take the lead and then realising they could follow their own creativity
✓ Notable differences in children self-conscious versus find it difficult to communication

Adult learning: What will you personally take away from this project

✓ Higher expectations.
✓ Not to be so directing/controlling and go with the flow
✓ To let children create their own journeys & to guide them less
✓ Visualisation is a good technique to remember & record their experiences
✓ Create opportunities to let imagination build
✓ How to take the whole body to express capture & share children’s ideas
✓ Try & use familiar places in different ways
✓ Gradual development of skills
✓ Be more open ended about outcomes instead of pre conceived ideas
✓ Some of the exercises I will use for myself
✓ Try to stand back more to enable children to lead
✓ The artists used ideas to engage & support positive communication such as no hands up